Aggregated statistics
The aggregated statistics represent the sum of the indicators (opens, clicks...) on a single result row. For example, the openings of the aggregated statistics of a campaign are the sum of all the openings across all the sendings and across all the segments.
2 endpoints allow you to retrieve aggregated statistics:
Retrieve my campaign statistics
To get the statistics of a campaign via the Mindbaz API, the following call is available: GET api/{idsite}/statistics/campaign?idCampaign={idCampaign}
If your campaign has been sent several times, you will get the aggregated statistics of all its sendings.
The information to be passed in the url is the following and is all mandatory:
Name | Description | Type |
idCampaign | Id of the campaign | Integer |
idsite | MindBaz site id | Integer |
The return value of the call is as follows:
Name | Description | Type |
data | Result of the webservice call | StatsGetFullStatsResult |
error | Error message in case of failure | String |
success | Indicates success or failure of the webservice call | Boolean |
typeName | Type of data contained in the Data field | String |
Data is an object containing the statistics of the campaign.
Return value:
"success": true,
"data": {
"groupName" : "Mindbaz",
"jobErrorInfo" : "",
"nbAd" : 2,
"nbAdClickers" : 0,
"nbAdClicks" : 0,
"nbAddressSent" : 688,
"nbAddressToSend" : 694,
"nbAutoRespondersBounces" : 0,
"nbClickers" : 471,
"nbClicks" : 471,
"nbDnsErrorsBounces" : 0,
"nbEditoClickers" : 462,
"nbEditoClicks" : 462,
"nbGodsons" : 0,
"nbHardBounces" : 337,
"nbHumanOpeners" : 2054,
"nbHumanOpenings" : 3078,
"nbjob" : 353,
"nbLinks" : 3865,
"nbMirrorClickers" : 9,
"nbMirrorClicks" : 9,
"nbOpeners" : 2160,
"nbOpenings" : 3370,
"nbSents" : 353,
"nbSoftBounces" : 337,
"nbSpamBounces" : 338,
"nbSpamComplaints" : 0,
"nbTotalBounces" : 1012,
"nbUnsubClickers" : 0,
"nbUnsubClicks" : 0,
"nbUnsubs" : 0,
"nbViralClicks" : 0,
"senderDomain" : ""
"error": null,
"typeName": "StatsGetFullStatsResult"
Explanation of the metrics
Name | Description |
nbAddressSent | number of emails sent |
nbAddressToSend | number of emails targeted by the segment |
nbOpenings | number of openings |
nbOpeners | number of unique openers (an email that has been opened several times is only counted once) |
nbHumanOpenings | number of "human" openings, i.e. without taking into account the openings made automatically by the Apple servers (see Apple MPP for more info) |
nbHumanOpeners | number of unique "human" openers |
nbClicks | number of clicks |
nbClickers | number of unique clickers |
nbEditoClicks | number of clicks on editorial links |
nbEditoClickers | number of unique clickers who clicked on editorial links |
nbAdClicks | number of clicks on advertising links |
nbAdClickers | number of unique clickers who clicked on advertising links |
nbMirrorClicks | number of clicks on mirror page links |
nbMirrorClickers | number of unique clickers on mirror page links |
nbUnsubClicks | number of clicks on unsubscribe links |
nbUnsubClickers | number of unique clickers on unsubscribe links |
nbTotalBounces | total number of all bounces (NPAIs) |
nbHardBounces | number of hardbounce |
nbDnsErrorsBounces | number of Bounces of type "Network Error" |
nbAutoRespondersBounces | number of NPAI of type "Automatic response" |
nbSoftBounces | number of "Softbounce" |
nbSpamBounces | number of "Spam" bounces |
nbSpamComplaints | number of complaints received through feedbackloop with certain ISPs |
nbUnsubs | number of unsubscribes (list-unsubscribe + links) |
nbViralClicks | number of clicks on send to friend links (obsolete) |
nbGodsons | number of referrers who generated a new subscriber (obsolete) |
nbjob | number of times the campaign was sent |
nbSents | number of segments sent |
nbAd | number of ads |
nbLinks | number of links |
groupNam | name of the group of ips used to send the advertisement |
jobErrorInfo | last sending error message |
senderDomain | sender domain used by the campaign |
Retrieve the statistics by isp of a mailing
To retrieve the statistics by fai of a campaign, the following api is available: GET api/{idsite}/statistics/fai?idJob={idJob}&idSent={idSent}
The api takes as parameter in the query either the idJob or the idSent.
Name | Description | Type |
idJob | Job identifier | Integer |
idSent | Identifier of the send | Integer |
idsite | MindBaz Site ID | Integer |
To find out the list of idJob and idSent identifiers of your campaign, you can do a GET on api/{idsite}/sents/light?idCampaign={idCampaign}
You will then get the list of sent segments in the data->sent table with their most important information: idsent, idJob, idsending, start and end dates, name of the target and if it is a test send.
This api makes a top 10 of the isp encountered during a sending of the campaign and returns the aggregated statistics for each ISP. An "other" isp is returned automatically to group together all the isp and domains with a small volume.
The return value of the call is as follows:
Name | Description | Type |
data | Result of the call to the webservice | Collection of StatsGetSentFaiResult |
error | Error message in case of failure | String |
success | Indicates the success or failure of the webservice call | Boolean |
typeName | Type of data contained in the Data field | String |
Data is a collection of objects containing the statistics by isp of the campaign.
Return value:
"success": true,
"data": [
"groupName" : "Mindbaz",
"idFai": 0,
"isp": "",
"nbAddressToSend": 50,
"nbAddressSent": 50,
"nbBounces": 9,
"nbDelivered": 41,
"nbHardBounces": 9,
"nbSoftBounces": 0,
"nbAutoRespondersBounces": 0,
"nbDnsErrorsBounces": 0,
"nbSpamBounces": 0,
"dsnCount": 9,
"nbOpenings": 211,
"nbOpeners": 20,
"nbClicks": 0,
"nbClickers": 0,
"nbUnsubClicks": 0,
"nbMirrorClicks": 0,
"nbEditoClicks": 0,
"nbAdClicks": 0,
"nbViralClicks": 0,
"nbSpamComplaints": 0,
"dsn": "\r\nAction=failed;Status=5.1.1;Diagnostic-Code: 5.1.1 - Bad destination email address 'reject' (delivery attempts: 0)",
"dsnCount": 5,
"nbContentClickers": 0,
"nbAdClickers": 0,
"nbEditoClickers": 0,
"nbMirrorClickers": 0,
"nbUnsubClickers": 0,
"nbViralClickers": 0,
"nbUnsubs": 0
"error": null,
"typeName": "StatsGetSentFaiResult[]"
Explanation of the metrics
Additional fields appear in this api:
Name | Description |
dsn | Delivery Status Notification - most frequent delivery error message |
dsnCount | number of times the above dsn has been returned |
idFai | ISP id or -1 for "Other" ISP or 0 for unknown ISP |
isp | ISP name or domain name if ISP is not known (idFai=0) |