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Mindbaz statistics

Campaign statistics are accessible in the interface via the menu by clicking on "Statistics" and then "Campaign Statistics". When you first arrive on the campaign statistics page, a tutorial is launched to explain how this screen works. Find here the online help of the campaigns statistics page

The api Statistics

To retrieve the statistics of your campaigns and their deliveries, the api Statistics offers you several endpoints:

Aggregated statistics via API

Aggregated statistics represent the sum of indicators (opens, clicks...) on a single result line.
For example, the openings of the aggregated statistics of a campaign are the sum of all the openings across all the sendings and across all the segments.

Detailed statistics via API

The detailed statistics return statistics at the finest level of detail. You will get one row per campaign segment sent. For example, if your campaign has 2 segments and has been sent 2 times, you will get 4 rows of stats for that campaign.

The identifiers of a campaign and its mailings

You will encounter several different identifiers in the data structure returned by the Statistics api. Here are some explanations to help you better understand the links between the different identifiers.

idSiteidentifier of your Mindbaz database
idCampaignidentifier of a campaign
idSendingidentifier of a segment of the campaign. A campaign can have one or more segments.
idSentidentifier of a sent segment. An idSending can have one or more idSent.
idJobThe idJob is the identifier of a job tha generates a scheduled campaign mailing. A JobId can have one or more SentId(s).

In the form of a schema, this gives:

Let's take the example of a campaign id 1234 which has 2 segments (id 1001 and 1002) and which is programmed with a daily sending. Every day at each sending, a new idJob is created, as well as a new idSent for each segment: