Sending configurations
What is a sending configuration?
The configuration of a sending is an essential and indispensable aspect for the proper functioning of your emailing campaigns.
It includes in particular:
- The email address of the sender (ex:
- The sender's alias (ex: Mindbaz)
- The response email (ex:
- The HTML header, which generally contains the link to the mirror page of your email
- The HTML footer, which usually contains the unsubscribe link.
It is mandatory to select a sending configuration to send an email campaign.
The Config type
The api uses an object of type Config to do GET/POST/PUT.
- name: The name of the sending configuration
255 characters max.
This is a mandatory element. Remember to choose a unique name so as not to confuse the sending configurations available on your MINDBAZ DB. - objectPrefixBAT: Identify your test mailings by adding "[BAT]" in the object.
This option allows you to add the suffix [BAT] at the beginning of the subject of your test mailings (e.g. "[BAT] Subject of my email") - senderAliasPrefixBAT: Identify your test mailings by adding "[BAT]" in the sender.
This option allows you to add the prefix [BAT] at the beginning of the alias of the sender's email (Ex > [BAT] MINDBAZ)
senderEMail : The email address of the sender.
255 characters max.
This is the sender email address of your emails sent with this sending configuration. The sender email address uses the sending domain that you want to use (and whose DNS delegations have been made by you. For example, is a sender address.
An error will be returned if you submit an email with the wrong sender domain.
The sender's email address is a very important element for the deliverability of your messages.senderAlias: The sender's alias (e.g. Mindbaz)
50 characters maximum.
This is the name of the entity sending the emails, usually the name of your company. You can personalise this alias by using personalisation tags. This element is not mandatory. If you do not specify a Sender Alias, then the sender's email address will be used as the default sender alias.responseEMail: The response email (eg:
255 characters maximum.
This is the email address used when your contacts click "Reply" after receiving an email. It is advisable to enter a valid email address in order to be able to read the reply emails you receive. Some subscribers, for example, ask to unsubscribe by replying to an email rather than by using the unsubscribe link provided. We advise you to avoid addresses such as "".responseAlias: The response alias.
Maximum 50 characters.
This is the name to which the email will be sent when a subscriber clicks "reply" after receiving an email. Rather than displaying the reply email address (described above), the Alias will be displayed. Ex: Mindbaz Customer Service will be displayed instead of "" when a subscriber clicks on "reply" after receiving an emailrecipientAlias: The Alias of the recipient.
The purpose of this option is to replace the "to" email address with an alias containing personalisation tags.
- headerHtml : The HTML header
The HTML header is the HTML content that is displayed in the header of your email.
By default, the HTML code present in a new sending configuration contains a link to the mirror page of each email using this sending configuration.
You can customise this HTML code, or even remove it if you wish to add the link to the mirror page directly into the HTML of your emails.
The customisation tag to use for the mirror page link is [[URL.2]].
To create a link to the mirror page in your email, simply add the following code to the HTML of your email.
<a href=”[[URL.2]]” target=”_blank”>your text</a>
headerTxt : The text header
The text header works on the same principle as the HTML header, but it is plain text. This header is therefore only displayed if the recipient of the email cannot display HTML content in their email box.unsubHtml : Unsubscribe HTML
The unsubscribe HTML corresponds to the HTML content displayed in the footer of your email. By default, the HTML code present in a new sending configuration contains a link to the unsubscribe form specific to MINDBAZ and allowing you to take into account unsubscribes from your MINDBAZ database.
You can customize this HTML code, or even delete it if you wish to add the link to the unsubscribe form directly in the HTML of your emails. The customization tag to use for the unsubscribe link [[URL.1]]
To create a link to the unsubscribe form, you just need to add the following code to the HTML of your email:
<a href=”[[URL.1]]” target=”_blank”>votre texte</a>
unsubTxt: The text version of unsubscribe
The text unsubscribe works on the same principle as the HTML unsubscribe, but it is plain text. This field is therefore only displayed if the recipient of the email cannot display HTML content in their email box.footerHtml : The HTML footer
The HTML footer is, like the unsubscribe, HTML content that you can set by default. This content is useful for displaying, for example, legal notices that will be present on all emails that use the relevant sending configuration.footerTxt: The text version of the footer
The text footer works on the same principle as the HTML footer, but it is plain text. This area is therefore only displayed if the recipient of the email cannot view HTML content in their email box.
The Configs api
With the Configs api, you will be able to create, modify, duplicate, delete and retrieve the sending configurations of your database.
Create a sending configuration
The Configs api allows you to create a sending configuration by making a POST /api/{idsite}/Configs call.
The api takes a Config object (without id) as input parameter.
Example of creating a configuration :
"name": "Ma configuration de test",
"creationDate": "2022-05-26T16:51:24",
"lastModifiedDate": "2022-02-21T16:05:55",
"senderEMail": "",
"senderAlias": "Mindbaz",
"recipientAlias": "[[FIELD.15]]",
"responseEMail": "",
"responseAlias": "Service Client Mindbaz",
"headerHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, <a href=\"[[URL.2]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"headerTxt": "Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, cliquez ici [[URL.2]]",
"footerHtml": null,
"footerTxt": "footer\n",
"unsubHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Vous désirez être retiré de nos listes de diffusions, <a href=\"[[URL.1]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez-ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"unsubTxt": "Pour vous désabonner, suivez ce lien [[URL.1]]",
"unsubiframeurl": "62|42|[[FIELD.1]][[FIELD.4]]",
"objectPrefixBAT": "[BAT]"
In return we get the object created with its identifier
Viewing a send configuration
The api allows you to consult a sending configuration by making a call GET /api/{idsite}/Configs?filter.idconfig={idConfig}
Example: to retrieve the 614 send configuration:
In return, we get the Config object found :
"data": {
"totalCount": 1,
"count": 1,
"items": [
"config": {
"id": 614,
"idUser": 13630,
"name": "Config test 3 insert",
"creationDate": "2022-03-01T17:55:07.643",
"lastModifiedDate": "2022-03-01T17:55:07.643",
"senderEMail": "",
"senderAlias": "Mindbaz",
"recipientAlias": "[[FIELD.15]]",
"responseEMail": "",
"responseAlias": "Service Client Mindbaz",
"headerHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, <a href=\"[[URL.2]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"headerTxt": "Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, cliquez ici [[URL.2]]",
"footerHtml": null,
"footerTxt": "footer\n",
"unsubHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Vous désirez être retiré de nos listes de diffusions, <a href=\"[[URL.1]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez-ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"unsubTxt": "Pour vous désabonner, suivez ce lien [[URL.1]]",
"unsubiframeurl": "62|42|[[FIELD.1]][[FIELD.4]]",
"objectPrefixBAT": "[BAT]",
"senderAliasPrefixBAT": null,
"isArchive": false
"author": null,
"isFavourite": false
"start": 0
"error": null,
"success": true,
"typeName": "PagedResultsList`1"
- You can retrieve all sending configurations with a GET without providing a parameter: /api/{idsite}/Configs
- If you want to search for a configuration by its name, you need to add the{word} parameter.
For example "/api/{idsite}/Configs?" will return all sending configurations containing the word "test" in the name.
Update a send configuration
The api allows you to update a sending configuration by making a PUT /api/{idsite}/Configs?filter.idconfig={idConfig} call
Example to update the sending configuration 614 with a new name and classify it in a new directory, we can pass the following Json:
"config": {
"id": 614,
"name": "Config test renamed",
"senderEMail": "",
"senderAlias": "Mindbaz",
"recipientAlias": "[[FIELD.15]]",
"responseEMail": "",
"responseAlias": "Service Client Mindbaz",
"headerHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, <a href=\"[[URL.2]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"headerTxt": "Pour visualiser cet email dans votre navigateur, cliquez ici [[URL.2]]",
"footerTxt": "footer\n",
"unsubHtml": "<table style=\"width: 100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,sans-serif;\"><tr><td>Vous désirez être retiré de nos listes de diffusions, <a href=\"[[URL.1]]\" target=\"_blank\">cliquez-ici</a></td></tr></table>",
"unsubTxt": "Pour vous désabonner, suivez ce lien [[URL.1]]",
"unsubiframeurl": "62|42|[[FIELD.1]][[FIELD.4]]",
"objectPrefixBAT": "[BAT]"
It is necessary to replay the complete object to update all or part of the information.
Delete a sending configuration
It is possible to delete a sending configuration. However, if it is used by a scheduled or ongoing campaign, deletion will not be allowed.
The call is made with a DELETE on /api/{idSite}/Configs/{idConfig}
Example to delete the 614 send configuration on the 101 database:
The result is:
"data": true,
"error": null,
"success": true,
"typeName": "Boolean"
If the configuration is used, we would have the following return code:
"code": "configIsProgrammed - Suppression de la config 613 impossible car utilisée dans une campagne programmée ou en cours d'envoi",
The default configuration (id =1) cannot be deleted
Duplicate a sending configuration
After creating a sending configuration, it is possible to duplicate it.
The call is made by POST on /api/{idSite}/Configs/{idConfig}/duplicate
- The name of this will be changed with "- COPY" appended to the name.
- The date information will be updated with the date of the duplication
- The user ID will be the one at the origin of the duplication